Saturday, January 12, 2008

Meet Doctor No

Where we live in Pasadena, California, we've seen a fairly wide assortment of wildlife: There's the occasional raccoon or possum; A flock of parrots passes overhead every so often in the warmer months; There's a family of skunks (such cute little baby skunks, you wouldn't believe!) living under one house; And our courtyard is home to some thirty-or-so cats. Still, with such a varied menagerie around us, we were not quite prepared for the appearance of Doctor No.

About two months ago, a neighbor knocked on our door, and said, "Is that your turtle, just over there? He's just wandering around. Well, I've got to run! Bye!" Sure enough, there was a turtle wandering up the pathway of the courtyard. No, he was not *our* pride and joy, but surely his owners must be around somewhere... well, no. Actually, there wasn't a soul anywhere around.
I decided I should take this stray turtle in and look after him (or her!) until responsible owners made their eventual appearance.

Well, they never did. Eventually, we heard stories of turtle sightings in the courtyard from months back. I finally concluded that Mr. Turtle had been living rough for quite some time. Meanwhile, the hunt for a new home for the little fellow turned out to be hopeless--nobody was prepared to take him into their loving arms... which is fine, because I've grown quite attached to the little guy. And so finally, we gave him a proper name: "Doctor No" (or just "Doc", for short) which also works should he turn out to be a she. I've built him a somewhat temporary domicile out of cardboard, but which he seems to be reasonably comfy in for now.

I've looked at possibly thousands of pictures of turtles, tortoises and terrapins all over the internet, and have not been able to find a definite match for Doc's breed. For a while I thought he might be a box turtle, then a red eared slider, then maybe a map turtle. My best guess is that he's a Painted Turtle, but I'm still not sure, since he doesn't quite perfectly match any of the photos of the various types. So, I've put up this blog page in the hopes that any turtle experts out there might be able to help me pin down some useful information about our mysterious new pet. I took him out into the sunlight for a sulfa dip this afternoon and took some nice close-up photos. And now, say hello to Doctor No...

1 comment:

Buslady said...

She's a female Rhinoclemmys Pulcherrima Manni. Lemme know if you need ANY advice with her, it would be great if you will keep her. I would like to reccomend a Waterland tub for her, it's a specially designed tub for turtles and she'd have land and water to hang around in. Go to my site at

I breed these turtles, and love them sooooo much! She really needs to get her beak trimmed badly. Doctor Greek is a great reptile vet over in my area, but it's a bit of a drive from Pas, so look up a reptile vet over there.

When I saw her on the forum my heart broke for her condition, she's been on her own for awhile. I hope you can get her in shape again, she looks like she was fed wrong whoever had her first. Her butt looks fat; and her shell too small. Lemme know if I can help you with anything!